In 2002 I moved from London, England to Canada with my wife, and together we started a family. In 2010 we decided to divorce. It hit me hard and I fell apart. While going through the legal process of getting divorced, I looked everywhere for inspiration and guidance to help me through the emotional journey, but found nothing that I could relate to. I was looking for something or someone that would guide me out of those dark places and help me create a new life for myself that I was passionate about and proud to live each and every day!

To this day, I remember when I first made the decision to get my shit together. It was an early morning back in mid 2010. After a sleepless night, I had resolved to spend the day locked up in my bedroom. I was an absolute mess, having no motivation or energy to do anything. I was bawling my eyes out under my duvet cover so that the kids could not hear me. Then there was a knock at my door and my 2 babies came in to say good morning, both carrying gifts for me: A colouring of a butterfly and a note saying “I’m so glad to have a funny dad Matt. You are stroig”.

The gift from my girls that saved my life!

The gift from my girls that saved my life!

In that moment, something inside of me changed. It’s hard to describe or even explain exactly what it was, but in that moment I just cried. I hugged my babies and I cried even more. They were too young to understand what was going on but they held me tight. After they left my room, I got out of my bed, looked at myself in the mirror and said to myself “I am strong! I am going to get through this”.

Since 2012, I have coached hundreds of men and women across the globe, helping them handle the emotional stress that divorce can bring and showing them how they can move on and live a life they are passionate about.

While going through my divorce, I looked everywhere for inspiration and guidance to help me through the emotional journey. This is the book I wish I had.

Matthew Ball

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